SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing
April 30 - May 4th, 2023
Gaylord Palms Resort, Orlando, FL
Booth # 1013

Meet the Team, Book a Meeting!
We are excited to see you at Photonics West in person again. We are bringing with us a full array of products along with the experts to answer your questions. Stop by the booth or schedule a 1:1 appointment ahead of time to talk about your unique challenges and how we can work together to deliver the right solutions to meet your needs.

Take a Selfie
#BuildYourOwnLaserEngine, Win a Prize!
Visit our booth and participate in the OBIS power challenge! Align and combine multiple beams to get the highest power possible: position your laser sources, adjust the beam expanders, optimize each laser for the highest power. Get 50 mW of power or more and win a prize!