
MAKROS Rotators and Isolators

Protect high-power and high-energy Holmium and Thulium laser systems from back reflections with broadband performance spanning 1900 nm to 2100 nm.

MAKROS Rotators and Isolators deliver exceptional reliability and superior isolation while maintaining very high transmission. The use of optically-contacted cubes delivers high damage resistance and their rugged compact design tolerates harsh environments.

MAKROS Rotators and Isolators - Key Parameters

Protect your Holmium or Thulium laser system with passive broadband devices that cover the entire 1900 nm to 2100 nm range with no need for external tuning.


Product Specifications

Model Name

Clear Aperture Options (mm)

Isolation (dB)

Transmission (%)

Pulsed Damage Threshold

CW Power Handling (W)

MAKROS Rotators 




5 J/cm² at 10 ns


MAKROS Isolatorsᵃ




5 J/cm² at 10 ns


ᵃ Escape ports should be used if rejected light is >1 W or 0.15 J/cm² at 10 ns. All stray beams should be properly terminated.